This article will assist facility operators with locating their administrator dashboard and switching between multiple administrator dashboards, if assigned to more than one site.

Finding the Dashboard

Before you can access your administrator dashboard, you will first need to log in. Enter your email address and then your password when prompted. Please see Logging In - Administrators for additional assistance.

After logging in you may automatically be brought to your administrator dashboard. If you are not, please follow the below steps to navigate to the dashboard.

  1. Hover over your name in the upper right hand corner of the Facilitron homepage, and click "Accounts and Dashboard".

  2. From the "Accounts and Dashboard" page, select the school site, organization, or facility operator you would like to access the dashboard for (if you are assigned more than one site, organization, or facility operator).
  3. Click "Dashboard".
    Using the Dashboard
    Your administrator dashboard is composed of a few widgets in the main pane, and a navigation bar on the left hand side.

    Using these widgets you can:

    • View pending requests awaiting your approval

    • See a list of upcoming events 

    • View an overview chart of reservations and status

    • Keep up to date with the newest updates from Facilitron 

      The navigation bar is collapsible. Clicking the hamburger icon () will collapse the navigation bar, allowing you more room to see the dashboard. The navigation bar can be expanded or collapsed on any page in Facilitron.

      1. Pending RequestsDepending on your role configuration, this widget will give a snapshot of the pending reservations for each site in your district (as shown above, if you are a district administrator) that are awaiting your approval.

        1. If you are an administrator at an individual site, this widget will list pending reservations that are awaiting your pre-Approval (thumbs up to pre-approve, thumbs down to indicate the reservation is not approved at the site level). Clicking "Details" at the bottom of this widget will bring you to the pending reservations page.

      2. Upcoming EventsThis widget shows a snapshot of upcoming approved reservations at your district or site. Clicking on the event name will take you to the reservation details page for that event. Clicking "Details" at the bottom of this widget will bring you to the calendar for your district or site.  

      3. ReservationsThis widget gives a snapshot of reservations at your school site or district, that are Pending (light blue), Approved (dark blue), Declined (red), or Cancelled (grey). You may view this pie chart either by number of reservations or by revenue. Clicking "Details" at the bottom of this widget will bring you to the Revenue Bookings report.

      4. Facilitron News Widget: This widget provides updates and news regarding the latest features from Facilitron, in addition to special announcements and events such as trainings or webinars. 

        1. You can also see news, articles and updates by clicking the flag icon in the top right of your screen.

      5. Administrative Action RequiredThis widget lets you know when a change request has been made by the renter using the "Change/Cancel" button on a reservation. These requests must be reviewed and pre-approved or approved by site or district admin, so if a request appears here, it is awaiting action. If all change requests made through the change request feature have been resolved, you will see "No actions required!" in this section.

      6. Recent CommentsThis widget shows comments made on reservations at your facilities by renters, admin, and Facilitron staff. Reservations with the newest comments will show first. Comments can be filtered by reservation, school site, individual who left the comment, event name, date, facility, or any other criteria via the search box directly below the "Select Owner" dropdown. By clicking on the reservation ID, you will be able to go directly to the reservation details page, where you can review and respond to comments.

      7. CalendarThis will bring you to the calendar for the district or site you are currently logged in to. The calendar will show both internal and external events, and can be filtered by organization, facilityservicesstatusand type. Here, you may adjust your calendar view as needed and save different calendar views as filters. See Finding My School or District’s Calendar and Customizing and Saving Calendar Views for additional information.

      8. Executive SummaryThis page includes your booking summary, rental revenue summary and utilization summary. You can also create month-by-month and other custom summaries on this page.

      9. Setup - Please note that per your role configuration, you may have access to none, some, or all of these features.

        1. Roles: Here you can create roles, make changes to current role authorizations, and remove roles if needed. 

        2. Users: This page displays all current users assigned to the district or site you are currently logged in to. Their name, email address, title, role, and status will be available to view or edit. You may also add a user to the district or site by clicking "Add New User" in the upper right hand corner. The "Export Users" button will allow you to download an Excel spreadsheet of all users in your organization.

        3. Renter GroupsHere you can change rate categories/groups for renters. Reservation fees populate according to the rate category to which a renter is assigned. 

        4. Calendar ManagementThis page allows you to create and save calendars with different parameters, as well as connect your Facilitron calendars to your Google or Apple calendars. See Connecting Your Google or Apple Calendar for more information on how Facilitron calendars may be created and pushed to an external calendar, such as a Google or Apple Calendar.

      10. Reports - Please note that per your role configuration, you may have access to none, some, or all reports.

      11. Reservations: 

        1. Active: This page defaults to showing you all incoming reservations for your site or district, and can be filtered by custom Date Range, Status, and Type. It will show the Pre-Approvers for a reservation, as well as their thumbs up or thumbs down, and additional details for the reservation. To see reservations placed by your site or district at another site or district, change the dropdown at the top from Incoming Reservations to Outgoing Reservations.

        2. Pending: This page notes all Pending reservations at your site or district, and can show either All, or only reservations Waiting for Me. This setting will show only reservations awaiting your Approval or Pre-Approval. You can approve and pre-approve directly from this page.

        3. Suspended: This page lists all suspended events in your district, per the custom date range entered.

        4. By Renter: Here you may select one or more Organizations (sites) within your district, and enter a Renter’s Email Address to view all reservations made by that renter.

        5. Maintenance Blocks: This page shows all current and previous maintenance blocks for the site or district you are currently logged in to. You may add, edit, or delete maintenance blocks from this page. For more information, please see Creating Maintenance Blocks.

      12. Facilitron WorksIf your district utilizes our maintenance platform, Facilitron Works, click this menu option to jump to the Work Order Management System. This system is for creating work orders and scheduling maintenance at various facilities throughout the district.

      13. Other AccountsYou can find your other Facilitron accounts listed here. If you have more than one Facilitron account, you will be able to switch between them using this button.

      14. Search ReservationIf you already know the Reservation ID for the reservation you would like to view or make changes to, paste it in this search bar to navigate to the Reservation Details page quickly!