This article will assist Administrators with filtering the Calendar for specific Organizations, Facility Types, Services, Statuses, and Types. You may also choose between a Monthly, Weekly, or Daily view, and a Calendar, or Agenda view, and save the applied filters.
Customizing your Calendar with Smart Filters
To customize your Administrator Calendar and save selected filters, start by navigating to the Calendar from your dashboard. See Finding My School or District’s Calendar for additional information and assistance.
By default, the calendar will show the weekly view, with Monday as the first day of the week.
You may customize your Calendar with the following smart filters:
Organizations: Depending on your role, you may or may not have the ability to choose what school site Organizations you would like to include in your Calendar view filter.
If you are a district administrator, this dropdown will list all school sites, or “child” organizations, that are present within your district.
If you are a school site administrator, this option will not be available to you. Your Calendar will only show events taking place at your assigned school site.
Facility Type or Facilities: Based on your role, you will either have the option to filter by Facility Type or Facilities.
If you are a district administrator, this dropdown will list all Facility Types included in the chosen Organizations. It will not show the individual names of each Facility.
If you are a school site administrator, this dropdown will list all Facilities included at your school site, organized by building or area. Please note that the color of the facility and reservation tile will coordinate to the facility’s building/area located in this list.
Services: This drop down will show a list of all available Services in your district that may be included on a reservation.
Status: This will allow you to choose between viewing Approved reservations (which will appear as a solid tile on the calendar), or Pending reservations (which will appear as a checkered tile on the calendar), or both.
Type: This will allow you to choose between viewing Internal (held by the school site/district)
or External (rented by nonprofit, commercial, or other groups), Maintenance Blocks, or a combination of the three.
Month, Week, Day: You may choose to view your Calendar by Month, Week, or Day here.
Calendar, Agenda: You may choose to view your Calendar by Calendar or Agenda here.