This article will explain the three different Account Types that new Renters may choose from upon creating an account.

Before you can submit a Rental Request (Reservation), you must first have a Renter Organization and/or an Individual Account on Facilitron.

Account Types 

Part 1: Individual or Organization

With Facilitron, you can choose to make a reservation request with a Renter Organization, or as an Individual user.

  • A Renter Organization can be created so that the requester may submit a reservation on behalf of any organization they may be part of, rather than on behalf of themselves. Renter Organizations are used to submit a reservation request on behalf of a business, non-profit, or other group. Your Individual Account may be associated with one or more Renter Organizations.
    • For example, if I am the head of a Youth Sports Organization and I routinely request to use sports fields at a public school to hold our organization's events. In this case, I'm requesting on behalf of the youth sports organization. To make a reservation request for this group, I must select my organization in the application/checkout process.
      • Please note that depending on whether you are requesting for a business, non-profit, individual or other group, districts may have different rates and/or insurance (or other) requirements for facilities.

Creating a Renter Organization will automatically create an Individual/Personal Use Account for you as well.

  • An Individual Account is for persons who are requesting to use public facilities on behalf of themselves and not on behalf of an organization. All users on Facilitron have an Individual Account, regardless of if they are also included in a Renter Organization. This may also be referred to as your Personal Use Account.
    • For example, I could be an individual that wants to teach a photography class using a classroom at a public school for my class. I am requesting this on behalf of myself, or through my Individual/Personal Use Account.

Part 2: Determining Your Organization Type

If you would like to create a Renter Organization on Facilitron, you will need to determine if your organization is Commercial or Non-Profit.

  • A Commercial Renter Organization will be the default for any organization that does not have a valid FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) and 501(c)(3) documentation.
  • A Non-Profit Renter Organization can only be created with a valid FEIN and 501(c)(3) documentation for your organization’s registered name.

Once you have determined the appropriate account type, please see Signing Up and Creating a Renter Organization.