This article will assist school site administrators with understanding their role on the Facilitron platform, and in the reservation process.

Please note: Each Facility Owner organization may have its own unique roles and responsibilities for school site administrators, and therefore different expectations than those indicated here. The list below is intended to be a general guideline.

School Site Administrators and District Administrators

School site administrators schedule internal reservations, place maintenance blocks and review/pre-approve external reservations requested for their specific school site. 

District administrators usually have the role of supervising all facility use by schools within the district. The district administrator may be the final approver of external renter requests, or simply the overseer of community activity.

School Site Administrator Roles and Responsibilities

A school site administrator may have the following responsibilities:

  1. Managing and creating maintenance blocks and internal requests at their school site to ensure the availability shown to community renters is as accurate as possible.
  2. Reviewing community requests - this includes reviewing the requesting groups, editing fees, services, or equipment as needed, pre-approving reservations, and communicating with renters and stakeholders.

For further information on getting started on the Facilitron platform, please see What Do I Need To Know?