How to cancel a Pending or Approved reservation

How to Cancel a Pending Reservation (Prior to Approval)

Renters may cancel a request at any time before it is approved.

To cancel, navigate to the reservation detail page (See the support document, Using The Dashboard - Renters) and select Cancel Reservation.

You may also leave a comment for the Facility Owner detailing the reason for cancellation, though it is not necessary. 

Please note that the Change/Cancel request option may look different, depending on the Facility Owner’s current configuration.

Please note that the status of your reservation will be changed to Cancelled immediately upon clicking Submit.

How to Cancel an Approved Reservation

After a reservation request has been approved, it can only be cancelled with the approval of the Facility Owner Organization. The cancellation request is subject to the cancellation policy of the organization.

The Facility Owner Organization’s cancellation policy can be found at the top of your Reservation Details page, above your Renter/User name.

You may proceed with requesting the cancellation of an Approved reservation, by selecting Request Cancellation. The Facility Owner Organization will be notified of your request.

Please note that the Change/Cancel request option may look different, depending on the Facility Owner’s current configuration.

You may also leave a comment for the Facility Owner detailing the reason for cancellation, though it is not necessary.

Please note that the status of your reservation will not change to Cancelled until the Facility Owner Organization reviews, and approves, your request.