• Work order is submitted by an Originator or an Approver. 

  • Work order is assigned to the ‘site based worker’ via a drop-down. 

Note: only workers assigned to the property will populate the drop down list

  • Once the worker is selected, change the status to “site assigned open,” so the work order will not move to M&O for processing but will stay local to the school/property

  • Once assigned to the worker, the Work Order is either printed out or accessed by the worker electronically dependent on the district using an electronic process or a manual process. Note: the only way to capture site based hours and costs associated with this work order would be to have the workers receive these work orders electronically. Once the Work Order is closed, the status is changed to a site assigned closed by the Order Approver.

Assign Approvers for Site Improvement Requests 

This is used by a small number of Districts to notify a site approver that a site improvement request has been processed and is ready for site approval to allow work to be completed.

Assign Site-based Worker to Property 

This is used by districts that want to assign low level work orders at the site level to custodians or ‘plant manager’ for routine simple maintenance tasks that can be assigned at the site level prior to M&O getting involved but allowing the tracking of the work. 

A site based worker has to be a worker in the system (Best Practice is to not name the individual, rather have a generic worker named first name Site(school name), Last name Worker. This way there is no need to change when worker’s move/leave/change).

  • Go to Manage>People>Assign Site based Worker to assign Maintenance Worker to Property - System defaults and settings #19 needs to be evoked, which allows site approvers to site assign work orders to “Assign Site Based Worker to Property.”

  • Also Setting #71 needs to be evoked “Show Site Assigned Work Order Button on Order Approval Screen.