My Profile:
Users can edit specific information about themselves here.
This is where districts can add their contractors to the system so that work orders may be assigned to contractors when district staff will not be performing the work. Tracking all costs associated with contracted work in the same system as the rest of school district maintenance costs and efforts are tracked.
Contractor types
When adding contractors to the work order system each contractor has to have a type, i.e. roofer, pest abatement, Hazardous Materials etc. All contractors in the system must have a type associated with them.
All users with access to the work order system.
All workers that have work orders assigned to them at any time during the lifecycle of a work order.
Note: only workers can be assigned a work order in the system.
Worker Hourly Labor Rates
All Worker’s labor costs are tracked here.
Note: you cannot add labor hours for a worker unless a labor cost for that worker is added here.
Worker Trade Types/Rates
This is where trade types are added along with Labor rates associated with trades. Some districts get their labor costs from the trade type/cost, rather than from the individual labor rate.
Worker Crews
Large districts can have crews of workers from a specific trade. The crews' work can be tracked by their supervisor. The system is capable of producing reports based on a specific crew..
Worker/User Departments
These are departmes associated with workers/users.