There may come a time when you will need to transfer your renter organization account to a new user. Fortunately adding a new person to take over your organization is simple and straight forward. Simply follow the steps  below:

1. Log in to Facilitron and on the left navigation bar select Setup >  Users.

2. On the next screen, click the Add New User button.

3. On the panel that slides out, enter in all the information for the new user including First Name, Last Name, Email address, role, and additional contact information. 

4. Click the Submit button.

The user will be added to your user list and an email sent notifying them they’ve been added to an organization’s account.

From the email, the user can click the button and create a new password. They will then be taken into their dashboard.

If the new user is taking over from you, they can simply remove your user account once they've been added. This will detach your user from this organization’s account. It won’t delete your actual Facilitron user account - you will still be able to access Facilitron with this user account, and you can be added to other organizations, or even create your own.

Important Note: Avoid Creating Duplicate Accounts for the Same Organization
Transitioning from one person to another can inadvertently result in the creation of a new account and organization with the same or similar name. For instance, your organization is Laguna Beach FC, and the new person coming in creates their own account calling it Laguna Beach Football Club. This results in duplicate organizations, resulting in confusion with reservation requests, accounting and payment history among other issues. Avoid doing this by following the steps outlined above.